for problems in vicidial :


problem faced during vicibox9 ++++ fresh installation

problem is Online updates for openSUSE Leap:15.1 (standard) 


will not update and will be out of date 




will not update 

and asterisk will fail to start after a crippled update 

the solution is to let the 

"Online updates for openSUSE Leap:15.1 (standard)" 

repo be as it is because Leap:15.1 has ended its support life

and only completly disable the 


and replace with a external repo  source for devel python 


zypper addrepo

zypper ref

zypper up

after which vicibox9 will fully be updated with some partialy missing python and dracut dependencies

and asterisk will fail to start with an error


Error: Vicibox 9 installation - Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)- 6 sockets

to fix asterisk error enter the command 


zypper in openSUSE-Leap-15.1-ViciDial:libjansson4


and then proceed to vicibox-express install

do this on a fresh installation of vicibox9 ++++

it should work fine

solution curtsy :


problem will mostly be u are not getting more than 23 calls being placed even if u increse dial level to any thing more than 23

you have to do this on initial install vicibox9 +++ for call placing not incresing and less calls in survey campaign 

inside System Settings > Auto Dial Limit = 1000

inside System Settings > Max FILL Calls per Second = 40

inside Servers Settings > Max VICIDIAL Trunks = 96

inside Servers Settings > Max Calls per Second = 100


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