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chmod not working in windows :(Solution)

Load key "SSH-key.pem": Permission denied Permission denied (publickey).

Solution : How to SSH Amazon EC2 from Windows 10 CMD without PUTTY 

# Set path of the key file  

$path = ".\SSH-key.pem"  

# Reset to remove explicit permissions 

icacls.exe $path /reset 

# Give current user explicit read-permission 

icacls.exe $path /GRANT:R "$($env:USERNAME):(R)" 

# Disable inheritance and remove inherited permissions 

icacls.exe $path /inheritance:r

openssh (client) with key.pem file : (use your own aws instance dns name or ip )

ssh -i "SSH-key.pem"

solution courtsey - link to the post 

gpg: can’t connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed

If you are getting this error on Windows WML Ubuntu 20.04, then the shortest answer is that you made a mistake and should’ve installed 18.04 LTS instead ( at least for now – because this won’t be the last issue you run into .. )

Should you still insist on using 20.04, then all you have to do is uninstall the gpg that comes installed by default and install gnupg1 package instead

sudo apt remove gpg

sudo apt install gnupg1

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RE: PORTS USED FOR GOAUTODIAL  - Added by striker 247 over 4 years ago

below are the ports

1. SIP ports - 5060 ; if you are using sip trunk or you having agents outside the network and registring a sip phone

2. rtp ports range - 10000-20000 ; this is the rtp ports in which media is transferred in sip protocal.

3. http/https port - 80 & 443 ; if you are accessing your goautodial admin or agent page outside your network

4. ssh - 22 ; remote accessing your linux server

optional :
iax port - 4569 ; if you are using iax trunk or iax phones .


NOTE : some additional info 


DNS: sport 53

SIP: dport 5060:5061

IAX: dport 4569 and dport 5036

RTP: dport 10000:20000

MANAGER: dport 5038

SSH: dport 22

NTP: sport 123


DNS: sport 53

MYSQL: dport 3306

HTTP: dport 80

SSH: dport 22

NTP: sport 123



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open terminal by pressing Alt + Ctrl + T

Run this command with sudo to get the list of available partition 

sudo fdisk -l

Run this commnad with sudo to fix the target partition (in my case sda4 i want to fix)

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda4

once done eject or unmount and then remount using file manager it will be fixed

in case commnad not found try installing ntfsfix and fsdisk

Run this commmand as sudo to install it

sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g fdisk

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Backup list of installed packages on Ubuntu and debian and automaticly install them:

When I have to format my Ubuntu I follow this steps:

dpkg --get-selections > package_list This creates a text file (package_list) with all package installed in your system. You can edit the file if you want to delete some packages.

Backup /etc/apt/sources.list file and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder. Here there are all the repositories.

Backup /home/MyUser folder. All application settings are hide folders/files in your user's home folder, maybe you want to select what settings you want to restore.

Format and install new Ubuntu.

Restore your repositories (/etc/apt/sources.list file and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/folder).

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo dpkg --clear-selections and sudo dpkg --set-selections < package_list. To restore the information of your installed packages.

Install them: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade

Finally, sudo apt-get autoremove to clean some packages.

Well, there are 9 steps, but you have an easy Ubuntu clean install.

Another solution is to mantain a list with your installed applications, then sudo apt-get install app-name (you can create a bash script).


GUI method for backup sources (Aptik)

HOW TO ENABLE UBUNTU and elementary OS DEFAULT VNC SERVER (vino-server)

vino-server works fine with encryption based client but mostly fails

to connect un-encrypted client connections (i faced this on almost all

android based vnc clent) so the solution is to disable the encryption on vino-server for incomming connection or else use another vnc server

open terminal get root by issuing the command


it will ask for password

(it may happen ur password is correct but su didn't gave u root previliges which happens on ubuntu linux , so in that case)

issue the command

sudo bash

it will ask for password (here ur login password will work for sure)

install vino-server : sudo apt-get install vino

if asked press y and hit enter

now what we do is disable encryption for vino-server (true or false)

in our case we want to make it disabled=false

issue this command

sudo gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption 'false'

now u can check the status true or false

(we should get false if every thing is ok)

issue this command

sudo gsettings get org.gnome.Vino require-encryption

now if u want the vino-server encryption back again

isuue this command

sudo gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption 'true'

##### you can also use dconf gui for the same thing#####

some vino-server commands :

change password : vino-passwd

open prefrences (gui) : vino-preferences

start vino server : /usr/lib/vino/vino-server &

NOTE : & used to detach vino-server process from terminal

To auto start vino-server at boot :

nano ~/.config/autostart/vino-server.desktop

now in the nano editor window paste : 

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Vino VNC server

press ctrl + o followed by enter to save the file

press ctrl + x to close the mono editor

enable firewall rule if on elementary OS : sudo ufw allow 5900

source : 

now reboot manualy or by typing reboot followed by enter in the terminal

for other gui settings search in the dash for : Desktop Sharing

NOTE : i personaly recomend vino-server and x11vnc (tightvnc killed

desktop display manager i.e. light dm for ubuntu) and for client all

works well i use Remote Desktop Viewer and  Remmina Remote

Desktop Client

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credit: hshamsan

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alternative way to setup time zone from terminal in Ubuntu

Try setting the timezone to 'Asia/Kolkata' which is UTC/GMT +5:30 hours.


$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Current default time zone: 'Asia/Kolkata'
Local time is now:      Sat Mar 27 18:50:18 IST 2010.
Universal Time is now:  Sat Mar 27 13:20:18 UTC 2010.


OpenBSD and Ubuntu Set / Configure Time Zone

by  on MAY 3, 2008 · 3 COMMENTS· LAST UPDATED MAY 3, 2008


Q. How do I configure or change timezone under OpenBSD operating system?

A. All of the time zones OpenBSD and Ubuntu supports are in the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory tree. You need to create symlink to /etc/localtime file.

=> /usr/share/zoneinfo - time zone information directory
=> /etc/localtime - local time zone file
=> /usr/share/zoneinfo/posixrules - used with POSIX-style TZ's (generally not required)
=> /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT - for UTC leap seconds

Here is my current timezone - set to Asia / Calcutta (GMT +5:30):

$ ls -l /etc/localtime

Sample output:

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  33 Sep 19  2007 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Calcutta

How do I change time zone?

You'll see several subdirectories for various countries or continents, each containing either city names or local time zones.

# ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/

Sample output:

Africa     Atlantic   Canada     EST5EDT    Factory    GMT-0      Iceland    Japan      MST7MDT    Navajo     Portugal   UCT        WET
America    Australia  Chile      Egypt      GB         GMT0       Indian     Kwajalein  Mexico     PRC        ROC        US         Zulu
Antarctica Brazil     Cuba       Eire       GB-Eire    Greenwich  Iran       Libya      Mideast    PST8PDT    ROK        UTC        posix
Arctic     CET        EET        Etc        GMT        HST        Israel     MET        NZ         Pacific    Singapore  Universal  posixrules
Asia       CST6CDT    EST        Europe     GMT+0      Hongkong   Jamaica    MST        NZ-CHAT    Poland     Turkey     W-SU       right

Find the file for the time zone you like or for a city whose time zone you share. To set the time zone, just create a new symbolic link to the file from /etc/localtime.

# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /etc/localtime


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Run this command in a terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ":minimize,maximize,close"

Note that this will only change the position of the window controls of non-maximized windows. The maximized windows will continue to have their window controls on the left in title bar. To set the controls back to being on the left side:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout "close,minimize,maximize:"


gsettings set button-layout ":minimize,maximize,close"

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Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells

"Jingle Bells", originally "One Horse Open Sleigh", is one of the best known and commonly sung secular Christmas songs in the world. It was written in 1857 by James Pierpont (1822-1893) to be sung at a Thanksgiving program at his church in Savannah, Georgia. Some reports say Pierpont wrote the song while living in Massachusetts but the copyright was granted in 1857, while he was serving as the organist for a Unitarian congregation in Georgia. It was repeated at Christmas due to its instant popularity. The song has been translated into many languages.


As originally published, the song had a different melody as its chorus part, which was less joyful and more classical, Mozart-like sounding. It is unknown who replaced the chorus with its modern version.

The first verse and chorus are the most often sung (and remembered) parts of "Jingle Bells":

Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh,

O'er the fields we go, laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring, making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way!

O what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh.

Although less well known than the opening, the remaining verses depict high-speed youthful fun. In the second verse the narrator takes a ride with a girl and loses control of the sleigh:

A day or two ago

I thought I'd take a ride

And soon Miss Fanny Bright

Was seated by my side

The horse was lean and lank

Misfortune seemed his lot

We ran into a drifted bank

And there we got upsot

In the next verse he falls out of the sleigh and a rival laughs at him:

A day or two ago

The story I must tell

I went out on the snow

And on my back I fell

A gent was riding by

In a one-horse open sleigh

He laughed at me as I there lay

But quickly drove away

In the next verse, he picks up some girls, times a horse, bets on it, and then takes off at full speed:

Now the ground is white

Go it while you're young

Take the girls along

and sing this sleighing song

Just bet a bobtailed bay

Two forty as his speed

Hitch him to an open sleigh and crack!

You'll take the lead

In spirit - "Go it while you're young" - the song influenced the themes of songs about girls and cars of a century later like Chuck Berry's "Maybellene" or the Beach Boys' "Fun Fun Fun".

"Jingle Bells" in space

"Jingle Bells" was the first song broadcast from space, in a Christmas-themed prank by Gemini 6 astronauts Tom Stafford and Wally Schirra, December 16, 1965. Contacting Mission Control with a report

"We have an object, looks like a satellite going from north to south, probably in polar orbit... I see a command module and eight smaller modules in front. The pilot of the command module is wearing a red suit..."

The astronauts then produced a smuggled harmonica and sleighbells and broadcast a rendition of "Jingle Bells" (Smithsonian Magazine December 2005 pp25ff).


Like many simple, catchy, and popular melodies, "Jingle Bells" is often the subject of parody. See Jingle Bells parodies.

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